There are three ways in which ODS bodies will interact with the Board. They will (1) join bi-monthly meetings, (2) contribute written statements that inform discussions and (3) share a brief explanation of how they currently approach the issues addressed in Discussion Reports and how they aim to approach them in the future.
(1) Bi-monthly meetings: ODS bodies that join the Board will meet with the administration of the Board on a bi-monthly basis. These meetings have two main agenda items:
a. Presentation of Discussion Report: The administration will share the Discussion Report with the ODS bodies prior to the meeting. In the meeting, the administration will answer questions related to this report which is followed by an open discussion.
b. Discussion of topics for the next Board meeting: The administration prepares potential topics for the next Board meeting and shares them with ODS bodies prior to the meeting. ODS bodies can contribute suggestions which will then be added to the pool of potential topics. The group will discuss the topics.
(2) Statement on a topic to inform Board discussion meetings: After the topic for the next Board meeting has been finalised, the administration will reach out to ODS bodies, share the topic which will be discussed, and request a short statement expressing the initial thoughts and point of views on the selected topic. This statement should not exceed one page. The statement will be shared with the Board before the Board meeting. It will serve as an internal resource informing the Board’s discussion. Its substance may also be reflected in the Discussion Report, but the information provided in the statement will not be attributed to any particular ODS body.
(3) Provide an explanation of the approach of the ODS body: After a Discussion Report has been shared with them, ODS bodies provide a brief explanation of how they are currently approaching the topic addressed in the report and how they aim to approach it in the future. The ODS bodies can choose whether this explanation should be treated as confidential and will only be shared with Board Members internally or whether it can be published on the Board’s website.
ODS bodies are free to work with Board Members outside of the processes of the Board if they wish.